Easter Services 2016


Palm Sunday - 20th March
8.15am Holy Communion
10.45am Palm Procession and Parish Communion 

Maundy Thursday - 24th March

7.30pm Eucharist of the Last Supper

Good Friday - 25th March
2.00pm Liturgy of the Cross
7.00pm The Cross of Christ

Holy Saturday - 26th March
8.00pm The Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday - 27th March
8.15am Holy Communion
10.45am Parish Communion

Mothering Sunday 2016


Join us on 6th March 2016 for a special Mothering Sunday Service at both of our churches:

9.30am at Harley
10.45am at Wentworth

Christmas Fayre 2015

Mince PieThe Christmas Fayre (formerly St Andrewstide Fair) will be held on Saturday, 28th November 2015 commencing at 2.00pm and this year will be held in The Village Hall (Mechanics Institute)

There will be stalls, cakes, refreshments and  a raffle.

We look forward to seeing you there.

The York Waits: Music for the Feast of Christmas

York WaitsSaturday 19th December 2015 at 7.30pm

The YORK WAITS are the foremost performers of medieval music in the country and have performed at Royal and many international events. They will perform a selection of music with a festive flavour, from the medieval period through to the present day.

Escafeld Chorale: Celebrating Christmas in Words and Music

Saturday, 5th December 2015 at 7.30 pm 
Escafeld Chorale invite you to join them in Celebrating Christmas in Words and Music with Mince Pies and Mulled Wine (or Tea or Coffee) at Wentworth Church.

This mixed choir of over fifty people will sing Christmas music, and you will be invited to join in some of the items. The music will  be interspersed with seasonal readings, some of which may be quite funny.

Tickets will be available in mid November by completing the booking form, or from Roy Smalley at the Church. 

Arioso Baroque Ensemble [Music Festival 2015]


Saturday 26th September at 7.30pm

[This event forms part of our Music Festival for 2015]

The acclaimed early chamber music group, ARIOSO, was formed in 1992 in response to the remarkable growth of interest in music of the baroque, and to provide period performance outside London and the South East. The band is based on the immensely popular trio sonata format: two violins, viola da gamba  and continuo (theorbo or baroque guitar); with mezzo soprano. What is exciting about this group is that the director, Martyn Hodgson, devotes considerable time to researching and  this performance at Wentworth will include some rarely heard and newly discovered music from the period.

In the seventeenth century much of Europe was in turmoil, but there was also a flowering of innovative artistic expression.  In tonight’s concert, ARIOSO performs early baroque works mostly by English and German speaking composers who lived through these troubled times and enthusiastically took up these innovations adapting the new style to their particular national tastes. Particularly noteable is Lanier's much praised 'Hero's Lament' - a sort of mini-opera and incredibly popular.

Tickets cost £8 (or £7 for concessions) and are available from Wentworth Village shop, or by contacting Richard Taylor on 01709 527713.

Any unsold tickets will be  available on the door (subject to availability)

Series tickets that cover all events/concerts in this year's music festival cost £25, (£23 for concessions)


Simon Lindley - Organ Recital [Music Festival 2015]


Saturday, 26th September at 1.00pm

[This event forms part of our Music Festival for 2015]

2010 saw the restoration of the magnificent Father Willis organ in Wentworth Church. This concert continues the celebration of the completion of this wonderful instrument and we are privileged to be able to welcome Simon Lindley to perform for us in 2015.

Simon Lindley is a graduate of the Royal Schools of Music and spent his early career in London working with a number of churches, most notably at Westminster and St. Albans Cathedrals, and was organ tutor at the Royal School of Church Music’s College of St. Nicolas. He moved North to Leeds Minster in 1975 and was then appointed Leeds City Organist, holding both positions to this day. He has worked as a senior lecturer at Leeds Polytechnic and Senior Music officer for Leeds City Council, and been active in Lodges, serving as Grand Organist to the United Grand Lodge of England in 2010-12. 

He devotes a considerable amount of time to Yorkshire music, being conductor of the Sheffield Bach Choir and Doncaster Choral Society, and former chorus master and now life vice-President of Halifax Choral Society and Leeds Philharmonic Chorus, along with numerous other activities. It is his prolific recordings for Naxos and Chandos for which he is particularly well known.

Tickets cost £7 (or £6 for concessions) and are available from Wentworth Village shop, or by contacting Richard Taylor on 01709 527713.

Any unsold tickets will be  available on the door (subject to availability)

Series tickets that cover all events/concerts in this year's music festival cost £25, (£23 for concessions)


The Emperor String Quartet [Music Festival 2015]


Friday, 25th September at 7.30pm

[This event forms part of our Music Festival for 2015]

The Emperor String Quartet was formed in 1992 and continues to enjoy a varied and successful international career with their original membership intact. In 1995 they Were the first British winners of the Evian/Bordeaux competition, having won the Menuhin Prize in London the previous year. They have been BBC artists since 1993 and have made a number of highly acclaimed CD recordings

The Quartet's repertoire ranges from Haydn to contemporary composers such as James Macmillan and Harrison Birtwistle and they have premiered numerous works by talented composers of their generation. They have performed at all of the major UK Festivals and at a number abroad, from the Prague Spring to New York City's "Mostly Mozart" Festival. They have toured throughout Europe, Scandinavia and North America and have made concert tours for the British Council in Ecuador and Nigeria. The Wentworth programme will include Haydn quartet Haydn quartet Op 64.

Tickets cost £12 (or £10 for concessions) and are available from Wentworth Village shop, or by contacting Richard Taylor on 01709 527713.

Any unsold tickets will be  available on the door (subject to availability)

Series tickets that cover all events/concerts in this year's music festival cost £25, (£23 for concessions)


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